Diversity-Related Funding
Diversity-Related Funding

ALANA Funding Board

Multicultural Concert Funding Advisory Board (MCFAB)
Guidelines: http://os_extranet_files_test.s3.amazonaws.com/36618_85385_AFB_Guidelines.pdf
Must have attended ALANA’s leadership summit and a few G-body meetings
Different tiers of funding depending on expected number of attendees
Prohibited expenses: durable goods, gifts/prizes, off-campus events, social events (e.g. parties), uniforms/constumes
Post-event obligations: 5 event evaluations by attendees, 2 photos of event
General information: http://orgsync.rso.cornell.edu/org/alana/MCFAB
Contact Keri Gil for more information
application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfK6lVEchNUZSmUd486y9CgxbhWmhtTqwr3OGUrZsFR2RvDEw/viewform
application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfK6lVEchNUZSmUd486y9CgxbhWmhtTqwr3OGUrZsFR2RvDEw/viewform
Multicultural Greek Letter Council (MGLC)

Office of Academic Diversity Initiatives (OADI)
Newly byline-funded, meaning greater opportunities for event funding
General information: http://cornellmglc.weebly.com/
Up to $750
Must be submitted 8 weeks before event
Event must match 2 of the following missions: promote multicultural student success and achievement, provide intellectual exchange and/or professional development for members of cultural student organizations, foster education around diversity and social justice, and create opportunities for community outreach, intercultural dialogue and coalition building
Prohibited: fundraising events, social events
​application: https://oadi.cornell.edu/user_uploads/files/OADI%20Organization%20Funding%20Application%202016-17%20(002)(1).pdf

Student Assembly Diversity Innovation Fund (DIF)
Must match mission: reducing monetary/cultural barriers for students to navigate the campus, Promoting cross cultural exchange between diverse communities, Promoting the spread of knowledge and education related to diversity and inclusion, Seeking to make Cornell a safer campus for students from all races, genders, sexual orientations and backgrounds
General information: $12,500 fund
Up to $6,000
guidelines and application:

Women's Resource Center
Event must align with the WRC's mission
General information: https://dos.cornell.edu/womens-resource-center/funding-sponsorship
Deadline for Fall ’16: Friday, Nov. 4 by 4PM
Has a lot of dough (but they won’t admit it)

Student Diversity Development Initiatives (SDDI)
Up to $500 for a single organization
Up to $1000 for collaborations between SDDI registered organizations (e.g. APAA, CAPSU, BSU, LAL)
Deadlines: 09/08/16, 10/13/16, 11/10/16 at 4:30pm
Single funding opportunity for an academic year
Prohibited expenses: costumes, awards, travel/lodging for members, publications, decorations, durable goods
Asian American Studies Program (AASP): for printing quarter cards, small amounts of funding help, larger amounts of funding if speaker stays for Wednesday Lunch Speaker Series
Latino/a Studies Program (LSP): for printing quarter cards, small amounts of funding help, larger amounts of funding if speaker stays for Fridays Lunch Speaker Series
Feminist, Gender, Sexuality Studies (FGSS)
Southeast Asia Program (SEAP): also through Einaudi
South Asia Program: also through Einaudi