general funding
General funding
Bartels Family
Contact Sue Parker (sep2@cornell.edu) for application and details
Need to be a RSO for funding

CU Tonight
Events must be on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night
$5000 for events from 8PM to after 1AM
$3000 for evens from 8PM to 1AM
Funds almost everything (including decorations and prizes)
Does not fund: alcohol, durable goods, off-campus events, events for a specific subset of Cornell

Cornell University
Program Board (CUPB)
For non-musical acts
Up to $500 per co-sponsorship request
Funds must be for acts (honorarium, lodging, travel, etc.)
Must have date, venue, and approximate budget
Request process: 1) attend E-board 2) attend G-body with 1-2 minute presentation
application: http://orgsync.rso.cornell.edu/org/cupb/CoSpo

Engaged Cornell
Currently only offering graduate student research grants and student travel grants
General information: http://engaged.cornell.edu/funding

Class Councils
A by-line funded organization with lots of dough $$$
Contact Class of 2017 President: Lauren Lang (lel79@cornell.edu) or Treasurer: Reed Geisler (rsg253@cornell.edu)
Community Partnership Funding Board Grants
Up to $2000
Project and initiative-based funding
Funding is allotted every Fall

Einaudi Center for International Studies
Up to $300 per organization's request
Email application to specific programs under Einaudi Center (https://einaudi.cornell.edu/programs)
Or email application to Dr. Heike Michelsen, Associate Director for Academic Programming, at hm75@cornell.edu
application: https://einaudi.cornell.edu/sites/default/files/Student%20funding%20request%20form.pdf.pdf

Public Service Center
Individual student funding @ http://psc.cornell.edu/awards-funding
See Community Partnerships Funding Board Grants for organization and project-based funding

Residential Student Congress
Contact President: Alex Parkhurst (anp56@cornell.edu) or Director of Programming: Kianna Early

Student Assembly Infrastructure Fund
$70,000 fund
Funding occurs every Fall semester
General information: saifc.strikingly.com/
Contact Miranda Kasher, mk2324@cornell.edu for more information

Student Assembly Special Projects
Funding through the Student Assembly Appropriations Committee
Submit a funding breakdown (with target budget and realistic budget) to the Chair of Appropriations
Chair of Appropriations '16-'17: Diana Li, dl792@cornell.edu

Student Assembly Technology Committee
Funding through the Student Assembly Technology Committee
Contact Co-Chairs of Tech. Committee '16-'17: Alice Pham (atp59@cornell.edu) and Sahil Khoja (sk938@cornell.edu)

Willard Straight Hall Student Union Board
Contact wsh.studentunion@gmail.com for information on funding

Academic Departments
Asian American Studies Program (AASP): for printing quarter cards, small amounts of funding help, larger amounts of funding if speaker stays for Wednesday Lunch Speaker Series
Latino/a Studies Program (LSP): for printing quarter cards, small amounts of funding help, larger amounts of funding if speaker stays for Fridays Lunch Speaker Series
Feminist, Gender, Sexuality Studies (FGSS)
Southeast Asia Program (SEAP): also through Einaudi
South Asia Program: also through Einaudi